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  • This page shows the Events held during World Space Week 2021
  • The list contains 50 events per page. The links at the bottom of the page can be used to view other sections of the list.
  • The list is initially sorted sorted by country. 
  • Events with a 'Y' in the Map column indicate that the exact location of the event has been mapped.
  • A plot of the 2021 mapped events can be seen here: 2021 Mapped Events
  • Questions or problems using the calendar please email

Country State/Province City Event Name Map Details
Saudi Arabia صبيا العشة الفضاء والمرأة Y Event Details
Saudi Arabia صبيا جازان المرأه في الفضاء Y Event Details
Saudi Arabia صبيا صبيا المرأة في الفضاء Y Event Details
Saudi Arabia صبيا _ الداير الداير المراة في الفضاء Y Event Details
Saudi Arabia صبياء ضمد النساء في الفضاء وهو حدث عالمي Y Event Details
Serbia Make your own space lander Event Details
Serbia Opportunities for Woman in Space Studies Event Details
Serbia Central Serbia Belgrade From Play to Space Y Event Details
Serbia Central Serbia Gornji Milanovac News from Space Y Event Details
Serbia Central Serbia Jagodina Space adventure Event Details
Serbia Central Serbia Jagodina Women in Space Y Event Details
Serbia Jugoistočna Srbija Niš Žene u svemiru Y Event Details
Serbia Serbia Beograd Little students explore the universe Event Details
Serbia Serbia Beograd, Novi Beograd Bees in Space Event Details
Serbia Serbia Krusevac Women in Science - Example of Astronomy Event Details
Serbia Serbia Ruski Krstur We are part of the space Event Details
Serbia Serbia Smederevo Moj svemir Event Details
Serbia Vojvodina Kovin Prva žena na Mesecu Y Event Details
Serbia Vojvodina Kula Women in Space Y Event Details
Serbia Vojvodina Sremski Karlovci SPACE WEEK in our classroom/ solar system in a bottle Event Details
Singapore Build-your-own (paper) Spacecraft Contest Event Details
Singapore Exploring New Worlds Event Details
Singapore NUS Astro: Eye in Space Event Details
Singapore NUS Astro: Women in Space Event Details
Singapore Space Buds x Astronaut Meet & Greet Event Details
Singapore The STEM Speaker Series: Space: The Next Frontier (Part I) Event Details
Singapore Women in Space: Stars Chasing the Stars Event Details
Singapore World Space Week 2021: Women in Space Event Details
Singapore World Space Week: Women in Space Event Details
Slovakia Žilina region Žilina World space week Y Event Details
Slovakia Žilina region Kysucké Nové Mesto World space week Y Event Details
Slovenia Space Law and International Relations: What is the future of (commercial) space exploration? Event Details
Slovenia Sežana Space Apps Sežana Award Ceremony Y Event Details
Slovenia gorenjska Planica SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH OF THE ‘HUMAN CENTRIFUGE’ in Planica Y Event Details
South Africa Panel with Space experts : Jim Adams, Willie Koorts and Dr Stefan Lotz Event Details
Spain ¡Salta al Espacio con un Cubo! Event Details
Spain Space Intersect Internet 3rd Workshop Event Details
Spain WIA-E Barcelona: Cosmic Research #Space4Change Y Event Details
Spain (USA & Canada only) Martorell Scratching the solar system Event Details
Spain Asturias Gijon Everybody is in space Y Event Details
Spain Barcelona Barcelona New Space Economy 2.0: Noves oportunitats de negoci per a empreses Event Details
Spain Cantabria Santander Women in XMM2ATHENA project Y Event Details
Spain Catalonia Barcelona La confluència del NewSpace i la Intel·ligència Artificial Y Event Details
Spain Catalonia Barcelona Regional Awards: Galileo&Copernicus Masters 2021 - Catalonia Prize Y Event Details
Spain Cuenca Cuenca Actividades del Museo de las Ciencias en la Semana Internacional de Espacio Event Details
Spain Lerida Lleida 2on Congrés Divulgatiu de les Tecnologies Newspace de Ponent Aerospace Event Details
Spain Madrid La ingeniería de telecomunicación en el sector espacial Event Details
Spain Madrid Madrid La UPM en la carrera espacial: ¿cómo funcionan las antenas de las misiones espaciales? Event Details
Spain Madrid Madrid Las mujeres que nos acercaron a las estrellas a través de los telescopios espaciales Event Details

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