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Sierra Leone

  • This page shows the Events planned for and held in Sierra Leone during World Space Week
  • The list contains 50 events per page. The links at the bottom of the page can be used to view other sections of the list.
  • Events with a 'Y' in the Map column indicate that the exact location of the event has been mapped.
  • A plot of the 2020 mapped events can be seen here: 2020 Mapped Events
  • Questions or problems using the calendar please email

Country State/Province City Event Name Year Map Details


Pakistan Sindh Tando Allahyar Space Logo Contest 2020Y Event Details
Pakistan Sindh Tando Allahyar Space Video Message 2020Y Event Details
Pakistan Sindh Tando Allayar Create Your Own Satellite 2020Y Event Details
Pakistan Sindh Tando Allayar Payload design Development 2020Y Event Details
Pakistan Sindh Tando Allayar Payload design Development 2020Y Event Details
Pakistan Sindh Tando Allayar Space Monument Contest 2020Y Event Details
Pakistan Sindh Tangwahi Space Teacher Activity 2020Y Event Details
Pakistan Sindh Tangwani Best Space School 2020 Event Details
Pakistan Sindh Warah Best Space School 2020 Event Details
Pakistan Sindh Warah Space Teacher Activity 2020Y Event Details
Palau Space Education on the Move 2020 Event Details
Palestine Gaza AlBasma School Astronauts 2020Y Event Details
Palestine Gaza Gaza Elites Space Virtual Camp 2020Y Event Details
Palestine West Bank Bethlehem World Space Week camp 2020Y Event Details
Palestine West Bank Hebron Various activities on the occasion of World Space Week 2020Y Event Details
Palestine West Bank Ramallah lecture - the importance of satellites 2020Y Event Details
Panama Conversatorio No. 2 2020Y Event Details
Paraguay 4° Space Conference of Paraguay 2020 Event Details
Paraguay Competencia ON-LINE de Física 2020 Event Details
Paraguay Capital Asuncion Foro Mundo UNIGIS 2020Y Event Details
Paraguay Capital Asuncion Primer Concurso Nacional y Regional de Artes 2020Y Event Details
Peru International Workshop: Air and Space Technology as a Development Tool 2020 Event Details
Peru Seminario: El Universo y la Astrofísica - WSW PERU 2020 2020 Event Details
Peru Taller de armado de Maqueta y Cohete 2020 Event Details
Peru WSW PERÚ 2020 - WORKSHOP: PERÚ EN EL ESPACIO 2020 Event Details
Peru All All WORKSHOP: La Exploración Espacial "Primeros pasos y situación actual en el Perú" 2020 Event Details
Peru Lima Lima Aplicaciones satelitales en beneficio de la población 2020Y Event Details
Peru Lima Lima Conociendo el satélite PerúSAT-1, armando de maqueta 2020Y Event Details
Peru Lima Lima Desarrollo de tecnologías y proyección al futuro 2020Y Event Details
Peru Lima Lima Observatorios astronómicos y el Universo 2020Y Event Details
Peru Lima Lima Procesamiento de imágenes satelitales 2020Y Event Details
Philippines Data Brew 4: Space and Ground Data for the Betterment of the Human Condition 2020 Event Details
Philippines Emerging Satellite Perspectives for the Philippines 2020 Event Details
Philippines NASA's International Space Apps Challenge 2020 Event Details
Philippines SSERD - Philippines Celebrating Satellites 2020 Event Details
Philippines UP AstroSoc's World Space Week 2020 Info-graphics Release Series 2020 Event Details
Philippines UP AstroSoc's WSW Virtual Watch Party: John was Trying to Contact Aliens 2020 Event Details
Poland lodzkie Lodz World Space Week 2020 - Satellites Improve Life 2020 Event Details
Poland Lower Silesian Wrocław World Space Week Wrocław 2020 2020Y Event Details
Poland Mazowieckie Ostrów Mazowiecka From kindergarten into space 2020Y Event Details
Poland pomorskie Gdańsk Space Week in Hevelianum 2020Y Event Details
Poland Slaskie Marklowice World Space Week in Primary School No. 1 in Marklowice 2020 Event Details
Poland Wielkopolskie Koło Pośród Galaktyki Spojrzeń cz. IV 2020Y Event Details
Portugal Açores Santa Cruz das Flores Semana Mundial do Espaço - Flores, Açores 2020Y Event Details
Portugal Açores Santa Cruz das Flores Semana Mundial do Espaço - Santa Cruz das Flores, Açores 2020Y Event Details
Portugal Acores Povoacao Semana Mundial do Espaco 2020 Event Details
Portugal Acores Vila do Porto Receção de Imagens de Satélite 2020Y Event Details
Portugal Algarve Faro Apresentação às Estrelas 2020Y Event Details
Portugal Algarve Olhão Astro Party AEFFL calls 2020 Event Details
Portugal Azores Vila do Porto Marine-EO - Earth Observation applied to maritime affairs in the Azores 2020 Event Details

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