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  • This page shows the Events planned for and held in Togo during World Space Week
  • The list contains 50 events per page. The links at the bottom of the page can be used to view other sections of the list.
  • Events with a 'Y' in the Map column indicate that the exact location of the event has been mapped.
  • A plot of the 2019 mapped events can be seen here: 2019 Mapped Events
  • Questions or problems using the calendar please email

Country State/Province City Event Name Year Map Details


Romania Bucuresti Bucharest LUNA, POARTA CATRE STELE 2019Y Event Details
Romania Buzau Buzau Cosmic colors 2019 Event Details
Romania BUZAU BUZAU Exploratori in spatiul cosmic 2019 Event Details
Romania Cluj Campia Turzii Moon-a new home 2019 Event Details
Romania Cluj Dej Luna - rampa de lansare spre noi orizonturi 2019Y Event Details
Romania Cluj Dej Pasi spre Lună - pasi spre Univers 2019 Event Details
Romania Cluj Gherla 50 de ani de la primul pas pe Luna 2019Y Event Details
Romania Cluj Gherla Privind Luna 2019 Event Details
Romania Cluj Turda Cosmos 2019 Event Details
Romania Cluj Turda De la Lună la stele 2019Y Event Details
Romania Cluj Turda ET go home! 2019Y Event Details
Romania Cluj Turda Luna-satelitul natural al Pamantului 2019 Event Details
Romania Cluj Turda Magia Spatiului Cosmic 2019 Event Details
Romania Cluj Turda My friend's Moon 2019Y Event Details
Romania Cluj Turda The Moon - our new home? 2019 Event Details
Romania Cluj Turda The space 2019Y Event Details
Romania Cluj Turda Világűr Hete a Jósikában 2019 Event Details
Romania Constanta Cernavoda Sistemul Solar 2019Y Event Details
Romania Constanta Constanța Noi în Spațiul Cosmic 2019 Event Details
Romania Constanta Constanta Spacekids - Up, up, to the Moon! 2019 Event Details
Romania Constanta Constanta The Moon: Gateway to the star 2019 Event Details
Romania Dambovita Targoviste The Moon: Gateway to the Stars 2019 Event Details
Romania Dambovita Titu Spatiul in care traim! - The Space in which we live! 2019 Event Details
Romania Dâmbovița Târgoviște Universe Week 2019 Event Details
Romania Dolj CRAIOVA Beneficiile spațiului cosmic pentru omenire 2019Y Event Details
Romania Dolj Craiova La Portile Cerului 2019Y Event Details
Romania Galați Galați Misterele și fascinațiile Universului 2019Y Event Details
Romania Galați Tecuci To the Moon and back 2019 Event Details
Romania Galati Galati A Moon Odyssey 2019 Event Details
Romania Galati Galati Spatiul prin ochii copiilor 2019Y Event Details
Romania Gorj Bumbești-Jiu Vecina noastră Luna 2019Y Event Details
Romania Gorj Tg-Jiu Cele mai ciudate planete 2019 Event Details
Romania Hunedoara DEVA Din nou pe Luna si de aici mai departe 2019 Event Details
Romania Hunedoara Deva Living in the Solar System! 2019 Event Details
Romania IASI IASI From the cosmic space to the Romanian space, through the Kissing Gate to the infinite stars! 2019Y Event Details
Romania Iasi Pascani Conquering the Moon from our Robotics Laboratory 2019 Event Details
Romania Iasi Podu Iloaiei InterStellar 2019 Event Details
Romania Maramureș Borșa The universe is magic! WSW2019 2019Y Event Details
Romania Maramureș Moisei The universe is magic! WSW2019 2019 Event Details
Romania Maramures Baia Mare The Moon: Gateway to the Stars 2019 Event Details
Romania Prahova Boldesti-Scaeni Give five to the sky! 2019 Event Details
Romania Prahova Boldesti-Scaeni Give five to the sky! 2019 Event Details
Romania Prahova Campina Aterizarea pe Luna 2019Y Event Details
Romania Prahova Ploiesti Space Aventure-The Exhibition 2019 Event Details
Romania Prahova Ploiesti The Moon - will become a starting point for opening to the Universe 2019 Event Details
Romania Prahova Teșila Casa mea de pe Lună 2019Y Event Details
Romania Prahova Teșila Drawing Contest: Space, the final frontier 2019 Event Details
Romania Prahova Valea Doftanei How to catch a star? 2019 Event Details
Romania Romania Botosani Copiii ca stelele 2019Y Event Details

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