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Halit Mirahmetoglu – Turkey

Halit Mirahmetoglu

Halit Mirahmetoglu

GUHEM Gokmen Space and Aviation Training Center


Halit Mirahmetoglu studied Astronomy and Space Sciences at Ege University, Turkiye. He holds a M. Sc. degree in Space Management from the International Space University (ISU) (MSM09). He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Space Technologies at the National Defense University of Turkiye. Accumulated over 4000 hours of training experience delivering both formal and nonformal learning training as well as accumulated various international and intercultural working experiences in Barcelona, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Rome over the last decade. He also worked as management consultant for high resolution EO satellite Gokturk-1. Currently he is general manager of GUHEM (Gokmen Space and Aviation Training Center) focusing on space awareness in next generations.

“Mustafa Kemal Ataturk once said, ‘The future is in the skies.’ This profound statement underscores the importance of space education and awareness. By fostering a deep understanding of space, we inspire the next generation to explore and innovate beyond our planet, ensuring humanity’s progress and survival. World Space Week serves as a global platform to celebrate and promote space science and technology, highlighting its pivotal role in addressing Earth’s challenges and shaping our future.”

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