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Event ID:  1408
Contact Name:  school
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  84956890298
Organization:  State Comprehensive School
Event Web Site: 
Dates:  5th October 2009 to 10th October 2009
Physical Event: 
Type:  School
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Russian Federation
City:  Moscow
Event Name:  Theme week
Event Description:  We are planning to visit Korolyev (Starry Town) and cosmonaut's Alley in Moscow, to carry out a quiz Hour of Triumph (primary school), to conduct class meetings Space Today and to present students'projects 'Solar System Planets'
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  Class meetings The first Man in Space were conducted for pupils of primary school. Schoolchildren aged 9-10 made projects on the theme Universe. They presented their projects to pupils of different grades. Student aged 12-13 studied the Solar System and its planets,they also made reports about achivements in space exploration in our country and other countries and presented their creative works which later were displayed at the school exibition. Students of the 7th grade went on an excursion to Starlit town where they visited The Museum of Cosmonautics and had an opportunity to see the first artificial Earth setellite, a model of a space station, they learnt a lot about the history of astronautics, the first cosmonaut Yury Gagarin, modern space flights and investigations. At the end of the week the most active participants were rewarded with diplomas and certificates.
Attendance:  0
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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